Check out our new menu for delivery TUESDAY February 18th. This week's meals contain: Shrimp, Dairy, Walnuts, Almonds

How It Works

Order a la carte ($30 minimum)--no commitment or subscription required.

I publish a menu of 4 items each Wednesday:


-Salad jar

-Vegetarian/vegan dinner (which feeds 2 people, also available in "family" size, which feeds about 4 people)

-Dinner made with local meat, also in regular or family size

The meals will be delivered the following Tuesday afternoon to early evening.

This service is a little different from others because of its sustainability practices: reusable glass containers are used for all meals, which will arrive in a red reusable cooler bag. After you enjoy your meals, clean the glass containers in your dish washer, place the lids back on the containers (no stacking without lids please), and then leave them in your red cooler bag for us to pick up the following week. Virtually no waste! 

The containers and cooler will need to be purchased on the website for your first order (just a one time purchase unless you lose or break containers)

Right now, new customers can receive 10% off with code 10%OFF at checkout.